Katarina Štimac Tomić
One stop shop for small business development ✅We offer holistic sales, marketing and online advertising package for small to medium size businesses, within budget and on time.
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THIS! "The human factor is an essential part of tourism, and the businesses here who understand that do very well."I cannot stand the self-check in in an apartment and industry tourism has become. It dehumanizes the role of those who come as tourists and those who rent.
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Katarina Štimac Tomić
One stop shop for small business development ✅We offer holistic sales, marketing and online advertising package for small to medium size businesses, within budget and on time.
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Katarina Štimac Tomić
One stop shop for small business development ✅We offer holistic sales, marketing and online advertising package for small to medium size businesses, within budget and on time.
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Happiness is an inside job! - ovo sam si ugravirala na jednu ogrlicu jer sam tip koji uvijek ide preko 100%, što god radila, pa se nekad možeš osjećati kao hrčak u kavezu koji trči na kolutu, nekad je to bilo na uštrp zdravlja, sada više nije, ciljevi su jasniji i granice lakše postavljam, brže čitam ljude.
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Katarina Štimac Tomić
One stop shop for small business development ✅We offer holistic sales, marketing and online advertising package for small to medium size businesses, within budget and on time.
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"Even though women know we get praise for staying in our prescribed lane and get chewed out for when we don’t. While words can do much more than sting, women didn’t think twice about using their power this summer. This seems to be signaling that the name-calling, the shaming, the patronizing aren’t enough to stop us anymore. I rather like this brat-green world."
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Katarina Štimac Tomić
One stop shop for small business development ✅We offer holistic sales, marketing and online advertising package for small to medium size businesses, within budget and on time.
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Ovo me podsjeća na jednog balkanskog trenera koji nam nije dopustio da se naslonimo na koljena tokom time outa da ne pokazujemo slabost haha! Kudos to him došli smo na američka sveučilišta mentalno spremniji od agenta CIA za sve bullyinge i ostale nedaće.
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Katarina Štimac Tomić
One stop shop for small business development ✅We offer holistic sales, marketing and online advertising package for small to medium size businesses, within budget and on time.
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Ovo ljeto sam pričala sa frendom i nakon par 'lako tebi', slijedi kako su mu ponudili posao super u Istri, ali šta bi on selio u Istru, a godinu prije je imao ponudu iz Zagreba, pa što će on djecu seliti u Zagreb.... (iz sela). Mislim da smo kao klinci preozbiljno shvatili Ježevu kućicu. Hrvatske je premala i precentralizirana, u današnjem svijetu, globalnom selu, potrebno je puno više fleksibilnosti, ili ako je već nemamo, skromnosti i manji financijski i karijerni apetiti."Njemacka ima odlicno razvijeno trziste rada upravo zbog mobilnosti jer ljudi nisu vezani za nekretnine. Jedan dan si u Berlinu, drugi u Frankfurtu, a treci u Munchenu."
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Katarina Štimac Tomić
One stop shop for small business development ✅We offer holistic sales, marketing and online advertising package for small to medium size businesses, within budget and on time.
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Kako i prije LinkedIna i društvenih mreža tako i sada, mislim da bi nam prva polazna točka kod komunikacije trebala biti da podrazumjevamo da ljudi imaju dobre namjere i da smanjimo ego i pokušamo komunicirati bez dociranja, cinizma i samopromocije. Ova mreža treba malo više prirodne ljubaznosti i autentičnosti. Također, mudrost je znati kada ne komentirati.
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Katarina Štimac Tomić
One stop shop for small business development ✅We offer holistic sales, marketing and online advertising package for small to medium size businesses, within budget and on time.
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Urgent read for all the parents!I'm not going to summarize the book for you, I recommend to buy it and read it! Jonathan Haidt is one of the most prominent psychologist today.He calls on parents and educators to help kids go back from phone based childhood to play based childhood.Data is alarming, our kids are unwell.If anyone is wondering what social media is doing to our kids. Here are some popular hashtags:#mentalhealth - >100 billion views#trauma - > 25 billion views#did - > 2.8 billion#dissociativeidentitydisorder - > 1.6 billionSame with gender dysphoria, rate is bellow 1 in a thousand... however now gender dysphoria appears in social clusters, mostly among gen Z generation, indicating its social media influence vs. regular human variation.Book - "The anxious generation" by Jonathan Haidt.
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